Suburban Gypsy

Saturday, December 21, 2013
When idiots on T.V. provide help in weeding out who really matters in your family.
Don't get me wrong I've been watching Duck Dynasty since it started. I enjoyed the family dynamic, the hi jinks of the crazy Uncle, the silly co-workers. But as a non-christian , I was always aware of their deep rooted religious beliefs. I have a certain amount of respect for it in the terms of "What's yours is yours and What's mine is mine".
Here's where I start my little rant. Wednesday night (Dec 18th ) I'm at work doing my usual Facebook cruising in between gaming customers and I start seeing posts about A& E suspending Phil Robertson due to "Homophobic and Racist Remarks" .
Well first off, SHOCKER... he's a born again christian from the south. What else were you expecting? Here's where it gets personal and uncomfortable for myself.
I start seeing extended family posting their support for P.R. and bashing A&E for suspending him. A&E did not fire him at this point yet. Everyone is screaming about how P.R.'s first amendment rights were being violated and that he's being attacked just because he's a Christian. Conveniently everybody who is yelling about this are Christians.
In the past few days , I've only unfriended One person. This is the same person who invited my Father (Who happens to be gay) to stay at her house while on vacation, a few years ago .
I'm more upset at the two-faced-ness of family who think and agree with the same views as P.R.
Hiding behind a book to justify being an asshole to your family is just SAD.
Missing out on your FAMILY because of a BOOK, is PATHETIC. A part of your family that LOVES you because you are FAMILY, before they even met you, and you judge them because a BOOK.
That being said here's a little tidbit from the bible that I'm sure you've read
Samuel 18 After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself. 2 From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family. 3 And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. 4 Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt.
hm.... Sounds an awful lot like two men bonded in LOVE.
The other part of this whole mess is, I am married to a Hunter specifically a DUCK HUNTER.
I have family members who are Hunters, and friends who are Hunters- DUCK HUNTERS.
P.R. and D.C. make a genuinely good product. I have personally purchased items from D.C. in the past. I will no longer buy anything they sell or promote
My Husband is from the south, and was raised in a very religious family. However he shares the same views I have. We have a large number of Gay friends. Our lives would be lacking so much friendship and love if we didn't have these loved ones in our life.
What angered us is that most people aren't reading EXACTLY what was said by P.R.
He compared Homosexuals to Bestiality and Said Blacks were better before the Civil Rights movement.
Yes P.R. can say WHATEVER he wants! That's where the first amendment is Fantastic! I can say what ever I want in this blog because the fist amendment is wonderful!
BUT- Getting upset because a company suspended P.R. for what he said AFTER SIGNING A CONTRACT a LEGAL agreement to NOT say things to potentially damage their companies image. They have every right to suspend/fire him. His words were discriminatory not just hurtful . So to all of you who are saying everyone is wining about their feelings getting hurt over what he said, Its not about feelings!
The saddest part of all of this is , it never occurred to me that it would take an OLD MAN from the swamp in Louisiana , whom I have never met, would cause such a rift in how family members see each other. So to a degree I'm thankful for P.R. making is idiotic statements. Because now I know who my REAL family is.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Fisherman's Throw
Finished Size
Aprox 45x60
Yarn-Worsted Weight
Yarn Pictured is Lions Brand Wool-Ease in the color 402 Wheat
Size K hook
3st =1 inch
Ch 154
Row 1: DC in 3rd Ch from Hook and in each Ch across=152 DC including starting Ch. Turn
Row 2: (WS) Ch 3 for the first DC * yo and insert hook around the post of the DC directly below, yo and complete dc( Front post DC completed); Rep from * across to the last st , dc in turning ch , TURN
Row 3: Ch 3 for first DC , DC in each of the next 3 dc; count back 3 dc on previous row, yo and drawing up long lp, complete as a dc ( long diagonal DC complete). * DC in each of the next 3
DC, count back 3, work a long diagonal DC; rep from * across, end with dc in last st, TURN
Row 4 : Ch 3 for first DC, * sk long diagonal DC, DC in each of the next 3 dc, turn , count back 3 sts, work long diagonal dc at base of long diagonal dc of previous row, turn; rep from * across, end with DC in the last DC ( Each set of the long diagoal DC of rows 2 and row 3 form a sideways V) Turn
Row 5 Ch 3 for the first DC, DC in each DC across, sk all long diagonal DC , TURN
Rep Rows 2-5 a total of 15 times.
Fasten off
Fringe : cut 5 (16 inch strands for each tassels) Loop them through at the bottom of the V as shown in the pictures from the Ravelry page.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Let me put somethings into perspective... Well from my perspective.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Shaving like an old man

Thursday, January 5, 2012
Get back to Natural Pt.2

- Tart Cherries have a significant amount of meletonin, which helps regulate sleep.
- Tart Cherries also are very high in Anthocyanins ( Anthocyanins are blue or purple antioxidant compounds that are found in a variety of berries as well as grapes and cherries and are believed to be highly beneficial to human health)
They also "Can't Say" that it helps with Arthritis pain and inflamation, Helps prevent certaint types of cancer and slows the ageing process.
A family member of mine also discoverd that when thier gout problems would flair up if they started drinking the tart cherry juice regularly thier gout problem went away.
So here's my point, when you reach for the Ibuprophen or tylonol because your a little stiff and sore. ( I still have these in my house for situations like serious fevers and injuries that require anti-inflamitories) Think about how many times a Dr has told you that repeted use of Ibuprophen can cause Ulcers because its horrible on your stomach, or that over use of Tylonol can cause Liver problems.
Try taking something that is still effective but less damaging to your system. I'm not saying go out and buy all this stuff. I'm mearly suggesting that maybe something less "Messed with" could work better.
Friday, December 16, 2011
When life gets in the way, get back to Natural!
What are Flower Essences:
of the plant, which uniquely address emotional and mental aspects of wellness.
The first 38 flower remedies were formulated by a British physician, Dr. Edward
Bach, in the 1930's, although new remedies from other plant species are now
To understand how flower essences work requires a
recognition that the human being is more than a physical body, but also
incorporates a "body" of life energy, a "body" of sensitivity and feelings, and
a spiritual essence or Self. Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life
force of plants which interact with these subtle bodies of the human being, and
evoke specific qualities within us. We can say that they work in a similar way
to inspirational music or art, which carry meaning through the vehicle of sound
or light, while the flower essences work through the medium of water.
Modern physics has known for nearly a century that matter
and consciousness are intertwined. However, medical science still generally
works with a nineteenth century model of the human being as a mechanism in a
world of machines. We expect that in the coming century medical science will
develop ways of studying the impact of consciousness on health, and we will
learn more about the ways in which flower essences work. However, empirical
research, which consists of the collection of case studies and practitioner
reports, will remain the primary source of knowledge about how flower essences
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A Halloweenie one of sorts

- First you need the medium sized Cauldron (They sell them EVERYWHERE during Halloween-so check the dollar store)
- Then you need some Pink Foam board (Its used for hot tub cover insulation its about 2 inches thick) - Hardware store ( cut for your desired shape for head stone, Measure the foam so it fits snugly inside the fountain. This is Foam remember it will float a bit if its too loose.
- Hot Glue Gun
- Foam Skull- I cut the back portion of the skull ( Everything behind the Coronal Sutu- for you anatomy buffs) I'm pretty sure this skull came from one of those "grab bag" style bags of foam bones.
- 9/16 Clear Tubing- Cut it to your desired length (Hardware store)
- 30 gallon per hour fountain pump-(Garden supply store, Walmart)
- Mist Maker with LED- Sometimes they are called fountain mister, or Fountain FOGGER.
This next Item is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL! Its technically a surgical cautery pen, HOWEVER , they do sell them at Joanne's or Michaels in the Bead section(They don't call them Surgical cautery pens, I believe its a hot cutter pen?-This is what I used to engrave the words and cut a more precise opening for the tube to be placed in the skulls nasal cavity.
- Ok Now for the fun, take your time! Carve the Head stone it doesn't have to be perfect.
- Use Acrylic Paint because its weather friendly. You can use straight gray or look up some stone technique painting tricks on youtube if you want it fancy.
Depending on where you place the fountain determines weather or not you want the back painted, I place mine against a wall so the tubes don't show as much.
(Editing notes- You can carve the letters and paint them before you paint the full headstone-its up to you)
- Wait till the paint has dried then carve the letters for what ever you want for "Wording" on your headstone. The cautery works wonderful just remember, its hot and your melting foam. ALWAYS be in a well ventilated area.
I'm not a technical person by any stretch of the imagination, so bear with me. This was done purely by trial and error. As a matter o-fact I have A.D.D. like you wouldn't believe.
- Glue the skull near the top of the head stone with the hot glue gun, after it has cooled/dried . Paint the skull to match the stone.
- Then with either the cautery or something sharp (I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU IF YOU GET HURT-MAKE AT YOUR OWN RISK) Cut the hole through the nasal cavity that goes all the way through the headstone. This is where the tube will drain water to look like the nose is constantly running.
- Also you might need to "Work" the clear plastic tube over the fountain pump to fit. It will be a tight fit but it will stay attached pretty well.
- Place the fountain pump in the back/bottom of the cauldron, fill with water till it starts to come out of the tube (Don't forget to plug in the fountain)
- Adjust the flow of the pump to your desired drippage.
Once this is all done then place the fogger inside the front of the cauldron, you can run the cord along side the head stone to camouflage the cord.
If you have any questions you can find me on The Garage Of Evil- Its a Halloween How To site
Here is a link of the fountain in action